
澳门正版大全免费资料 National Lectures

澳门正版大全免费资料 supports plenary lectures (usually five per year) to enhance the scientific meetings of its Constituent Societies, through 澳门正版大全免费资料 National Lecture awards. Established to commemorate the 40th anniversary of 澳门正版大全免费资料, these enable a distinguished scientist with a significant international reputation for fundamental contributions to the fields of biochemistry and molecular biology who is working in a different 澳门正版大全免费资料 country to the one hosting the event to present a lecture at the meeting, by supporting the speaker鈥檚 travel costs. Full further details, see the聽澳门正版大全免费资料 National Lectures guidelines. Applications for National Lectures to take place in 2024 and 2025 are open.

2024 澳门正版大全免费资料 National Lectures

  • Norwegian Bioscience Society (NBS) Contact Meeting, Storefjell, Norway 18-21.1.2024
    Lecturer: Gra莽a Raposo (Paris, France)
  • 33rd International Congress of the Tunisian Association of Biological Sciences (ATSB), Sousse, Tunisia 21-24.6.24
    Lecturer: Ivana Ivan膷i膰 Ba膰e (Zagreb, Croatia)
  • 46th SEBBM National Congress, A Coru帽a, Spain 3-6.9.2024
    Lecturer: Masashi Narita (Cambridge, UK)
  • Societas Biochemica, Biophysica et Microbiologica Fenniae (Biobio Society) National Conference; 25-28.9.2024; Pula, Croatia (part of 澳门正版大全免费资料 3+ Meeting)
    Lecturer: Boris Turk (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
  • Gesellschaft f眉r Biochemie und Molekularbiologie (GBM) Compact Meeting; 26-27.9.2024; Frankfurt am Main, Germany
    Lecturer: Wanda Kukulski (Zurich, Switzerland)
  • Soci茅t茅 Fran莽aise de Biochimie et Biologie Mol茅culaire (SFBBM) SifrARN Meeting; 18-20.11.2024; Lyon, France
    Lecturer: Maria Carmo-Fonseca (Lisbon, Portugal)
  • 73rd Conference of the Hellenic Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (HSBMB), Athens, Greece聽 聽 聽 聽1-3.12.2024
    Lecturer: Michael N. Hall (Basel, Switzerland)

2023 澳门正版大全免费资料 National Lectures

  • Association of Biochemists and Molecular Biologists in B&H Conference, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 18-20.5.2023
    Lecturer: Dragan Primorac (Split, Croatia)
  • 45th SEBBM Congress and 60th anniversary of SEBBM, Zaragoza, Spain 5-8.9.2023
    Lecturer: Peter Rehling (G枚ttingen, Germany)
  • 62nd International SIB Congress, Florence, Italy 7-9.9.2023
    Lecturer: Massimiliano Mazzone (Leuven, Belgium)
  • International Meeting of the Romanian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Cluj, Romania 13-15.9.2023
    Lecturer: Pietro Roversi (Milan, Italy)
  • 5th Congress BIO2023 (Polish Biochemical Society meeting), Szczecin, Poland 13-16.9.2023
    Lecturer: Graziella Pellegrini (Modena, Italy)
  • 15th Meeting of the Slovenian Biochemical Society, Portoro啪, Slovenia 20-24.9.2023
    Lecturer: Anke Becker (Marburg, Germany)
  • Turkish Biochemical Society’s 34th National Congress, Fethiye, T眉rkiye 29 October-1 November 2023 Lecturer: Prof. Konrad Sandhoff (Bonn, Germany)

澳门正版大全免费资料 Open Bio poster prizes

The journal聽 would like to offer all 澳门正版大全免费资料 Constituent Societies the opportunity to award a 200鈧 poster prize at their respective national meetings to be held in 2024. Please contact the journal directly at [email protected]聽if you would be interested in presenting a聽澳门正版大全免费资料 Open Bio聽poster prize at an upcoming meeting.

澳门正版大全免费资料3+ Meetings

The 澳门正版大全免费资料3+ Meetings programme was established by 澳门正版大全免费资料 to support scientific meetings, equivalent to an annual national scientific meeting of a Constituent Society, but organized through collaboration of at least three 澳门正版大全免费资料 Constituent Societies. The aim of the programme is to increase international collaboration between molecular life scientists in a subset of countries within the 澳门正版大全免费资料 area, such as those in a particular region or linked in other ways, while also encouraging sharing of Society expertise and efforts. These events (a maximum of two per year) should be scientific meetings with symposia and colloquia corresponding to the format of an annual national scientific meeting of a Constituent Society. The support is 鈧20,000, with 鈧10,000 awarded to the host Society for general organization purposes to cover lecturers鈥 travel expenses, accommodation, congress venue renting and so on, and a second 鈧10,000 awarded for a 3+ travel award scheme to attract young scientists living outside the host country who are members of the two (or more) collaborating Societies. For further details, see the 澳门正版大全免费资料3+ Meetings guidelines.听听Applications for meetings taking place in 2024 are open. Applications for meetings taking place in 2025 will close on 30th September 2024.

2024 澳门正版大全免费资料3+ Meetings

  • 2024: joint scientific congress; Croatian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, HDBMB (organizer and host), with SFBBM (Sweden) and BIOBIO (Finland) societies; 25-28.9.2024; Pula, Croatia

Recent 澳门正版大全免费资料3+ Meetings

  • 2023: XXVII Biochemistry Congress 2023 (Slovak Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, organizer) with 膶SBMB (Czech Republic), MBKE (Hungary) and UBS (Ukraine); 10-13.9.2023; High Tatras, Slovakia
  • 2022: Baltic meeting (Estonian Biochemical Society, organizer) with LaBS (Latvia) and LBD (Lithuania) Societies; 15-17.6.22; Tallinn, Estonia
  • 2022: Machines on Genes meeting (Biochemical Society, UK, organizer) with NVBMB (Netherlands) and SEBBM (Spain); 22-26.5.22; Alicante, Spain (postponed from 2020)

澳门正版大全免费资料 Constituent Society outreach events for 澳门正版大全免费资料 60th Anniversary

In its 60th anniversary year, 澳门正版大全免费资料 has offered grants of up to 鈧1,300 to its Constituent Societies to support interesting events or activities that highlight the impact and contributions of molecular life sciences, following a call for proposals earlier in 2024. The events/activities are taking various forms, and will be gradually announced on the 澳门正版大全免费资料 60th Anniversary page here.

澳门正版大全免费资料-SUPPORTED Education EVENTS

澳门正版大全免费资料 sponsorship of education events organized by members of 澳门正版大全免费资料 Constituent Societies
澳门正版大全免费资料 offers up to 鈧1500 Euro to support up to four education events a year organized by members of 澳门正版大全免费资料 Constituent Societies, such as an education session at the Society’s national congress, an online course or a face-to-face training. The main organizers can be any member of the Society. Applications for this funding must be made to the 澳门正版大全免费资料 Education & Training Committee via the application form available here.听

澳门正版大全免费资料 Education & Training Committee Workshops

The 澳门正版大全免费资料 Education & Training Committee offers workshops of up to 2 days that can be co-organized with 澳门正版大全免费资料 Constituent Societies to promote high-quality undergraduate and postgraduate education in the molecular life sciences in different countries of the 澳门正版大全免费资料 area. These can cover various topical issues, including postgraduate education, problem-based learning, designing laboratory practicals, and key scientific skills. For Constituent Societies interested in hosting such education workshops, the Society President, or 澳门正版大全免费资料 Education Ambassador for the Society with the President, should contact Prof. Ferhan G. Sa臒in, Chair, 澳门正版大全免费资料 Education & Training Committee, via the Contact section of the website to discuss training needs.

澳门正版大全免费资料-SUPPORTED Science and Society Events/Activities

The 澳门正版大全免费资料 Science and Society Committee supports events or other activities of 澳门正版大全免费资料 Constituent Societies that build on and extend to a wider audience the topic of the Science and Society session at the most recent 澳门正版大全免费资料 Congress. The exact format of the event/activity is up to the organizing society and the Committee would like to support a range of activities from speaker events to educational activities, including for public engagement. Up to 鈧1500 is available from 澳门正版大全免费资料 to support this activity. Events or activities which involve more than one 澳门正版大全免费资料 Constituent Society or which enable the sharing of an activity across Constituent Societies are encouraged. Societies who wish to apply should check the current theme and further guidelines on the Science and Society webpage聽here.

澳门正版大全免费资料 Patronage

澳门正版大全免费资料 Patronage is offered to 澳门正版大全免费资料 Constituent Societies鈥 own activities to help with their promotion to participants and with obtaining other sources of support. It is intended to recognize activities with a high scientific or other value in line with 澳门正版大全免费资料鈥 charitable objectives. Applications for 澳门正版大全免费资料 Patronage can be made where the Constituent Society鈥檚 event or activity may not be eligible for the other existing support initiatives offered by 澳门正版大全免费资料. 澳门正版大全免费资料 Patronage may be granted to a range of activities organized by 澳门正版大全免费资料 Constituent Societies, including national and international scientific events. Patronage cannot be granted to individual persons, organizations themselves and permanent activities. A letter of application should be submitted with full details of the event or activity and for full further details, see the聽澳门正版大全免费资料 Patronage guidelines.